Written by Shakespeare Reloaded in Criticism and Research | 19.04.2016
The Shakespeare Reloaded team is delighted to announce our newest online initiative: Shakeserendipity.
A fresh Juliet amid old costumes - Bell Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 13.03.2016

Shakespeare and the Public: A Symposium
Written by Claire Hansen in Conference | 21.02.2016
Shakespeare Reloaded team member and Director of ANU’s Humanities Research Centre, Professor Will Christie, recently hosted a two-day symposium on ‘Shakespeare and the Public’ (17-18 February 2016).
2016: the year of Shakespeare400
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 02.01.2016
2016 marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, and with it a host of performances, films, books, concerts, and other events to celebrate England's 'national poet'.
Written by Shakespeare Reloaded in Teaching Activities | 16.12.2015
The Shakespeare Reloaded team is excited to announce the development of a new Shakespeare game, to be launched soon on our website.
The new game, Shakeserendipity, is designed for teachers and students.
Review of Hamlet
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 09.11.2015
Have you seen Bell Shakespeare's latest production of Hamlet?
Review: Justin Kurzel's Macbeth
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 11.10.2015
Directed by Justin Kurzel
Celebrity studies, Shakespeare and Hamlet
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 06.08.2015
You may have heard about the current clamour for tickets to a Barbican production of Hamlet featuring Benedict Cumberbatch.
The medical humanities
Written by Claire Hansen in Criticism and Research | 11.06.2015
We have covered a range of modes of engagement with Shakespeare on the Shakespeare Reloaded blog, from sign language to
Globe On Screen's Titus Andronicus blends horror and humour
Written by Claire Hansen in Performances and Productions | 18.05.2015
Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus is not frequently performed, and has a famously controversial history with questions over its authorship and concerns with its violence.